24.6. Proteste gegen Putin in Wien


Am 24.6. will Putin nach Wien besuchen

Unser Plan:

13.00 – WICHTIG -Treffpunkt Hofburg, Ballhausplatz, vor dem Büro des Präsidenten (BITTE BEACHTEN: Die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen werden sehr streng sein, es kann in der letzten Minute zu Planänderungen kommen, bitte die Facebookseite beachten).
13.00 – 15.00 – Proteste vor den Büros des Kanzlers und des Präsidenten, Ballhausplatz, 1010
15.00 – 16.30 – Pause
16.30 – WICHTIG – Treffpunkt Stubenring 8-10, 1010, Wirtschaftskammer Wien
16.30 – 18.30 – Protest vor der Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Stubenring 8-10, 1010
18.45 – 19.30 – Protest am Schwarzenbergplatz, 1010, Denkmal für den Sowjetischen Soldaten

Es wird eine Demo aller Nationalitäten gegen Putins Politik sein!! Gegen Putins Propaganda, gegen den Krieg, den Putin in der Ostukraine inszeniert, gegen die ungesetzliche Annexion der Krim!!

Bewohner von Berlin: Österreicher, Ukrainer, Russen, Belarussen, Georgier, Ungarn, Deutsche, Franzosen, Letten und Litauer, alle! Wir bitten Freunde aller Länder und Nationalitäten zu kommen und eure Fahnen mitzubringen!

Українці Європи, приєднуйтеся!!! Нас має бути багато!!!

Bitte die Facebookseite für Planänderungen im Auge behalten!

“Voluntarism” 2.0 

Yuriy Fedorov

Loss in war frequently leads to revolutions and other political perturbations. Russia’s war against Ukraine is not over yet, however Putin’s foreign political fiasco is obvious. The issue is how it will end for him and his regime. What happened is what the Kremlin was trying to avoid: the strategy or separating the US and Europe failed, which was considered necessary for achieving the more or less sacred goal – building some multi-polar world. Regardless of the contradictions regarding concrete means of counteraction to Moscow’s expansion, the Western countries are united in that this expansion has to be stopped.  Continue reading

Nadja Tolokonnikowa: Putin hat Angst vor einer echten Opposition – wie er Angst vor Pussy Riot hatte

Kommentar von Nadja Tolokonnikowa, erschienen in The Guardian am 18. Juni 2014 (Übersetzung)

10390076_711106865613981_4914712596510624996_aEr hat gerade die Krim erobert. Er hat sich selbst zum Einiger proklamiert. Aber Wladimir Putins Einmischung in die Wahlen ist ein weiteres Zeichen dafür, dass seine Macht nicht so bedingungslos ist, wie er gerne glauben macht

Nachdem wir aus dem Gefängnis freigelassen wurden, haben Mascha Aljochina und ich ernsthaft darüber diskutiert, ob wir uns in der institutionellen Politik versuchen sollten, und dachten nach über eine Kandidatur bei den Wahlen für die Moskauer Stadtduma nach (die am 14. September sein werden). Aber nachdem wir ein “schweres Verbrechen” begangen haben, dürfen wir nach russischem Recht 10 Jahre nicht bei einer Wahl kandidieren.

Ende letzten Monats kündigten Nikolaj Ljaskin und Konstantin Jankauskas ihre Kandidatur für die Moskauer Stadtduma an. Sie gehören zu den stärksten Oppositionskandidaten, und ich kenne sie seit Jahren. Sie wissen, wie man sich in einem guten Kampf stellt. Continue reading

Saakashvili: Putin’s style does not change, in 2005 the gas pipeline from Russia to Georgia was blown up. 

As a result of sabotage Russia received the opposite result – Georgia reconstructed its energy system and practically stopped being dependent on supplies from the Russian Federation, stated former President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. 

Former President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili compared the explosion on the gas pipeline in Poltava oblast with the events in Georgia in 2005. He writes about this on his Facebook page. Continue reading

“Closeness to the Kremlin is a source of wealth.” 

The hard luck of the book about Vladimir Putin’s regime: the university publishing house fears plaints on part of the Russian government. 

The Cambridge University publishing house refused to publish the book of its long-term author Karen Dawisha called “Putin’s Kleptocracy: Whom Does Russia Belong To?” The publishers do not doubt the reliability of the investigator, however they fear possible court plaints on part of the Russian government.  Continue reading

They have come up a way to fool Putin and make money on Russian governors in Crimea

Crimean businessmen have come up with the “virtual holiday” service for those who don’t want to go on vacation to the peninsula. 

Regardless of the fact that currently there are almost no tourists in Crimea and the beaches are empty, Russian President Vladimir Putin assures that the resort season will happen on the peninsula, even if he has to force Russian governors to go there.

However, as “Groshi” reports, the governors are not hasty to go to Crimea even for taxpayers’ money. Holidays on the beaches of Morocco or Hawaii is much more to their taste, and as they are supposed to report to Putin about their holidays, a new service was invented in Crimea – virtual holidays.

The main idea of the service lies in that the governors can simply go on holiday to the Canary Isles, and the Crimeans that have come up with the scheme will provide an alibi regarding holidays in Crimea. The price of such a service constitutes about 30 thousand UAH.

Crimea businessmen work exclusively over the Internet. They offer a full package of documents to the Russian businessmen that confirm that they had indeed spent several weeks on Crimean beaches.

It is curious that the service is already incredibly popular, even though the “businessmen” don’t give any guarantees. However, Russian bloggers think that Crimean “problem solvers” will soon become billionaires by selling virtual vacations.

Source: TSN

Translated by Mariya Shcherbinina

The country of Blitzkrieg and hysteria: how to talk to Russian crazies

The Russian-Ukrainian talks regarding gas with the mediation of the EU Commission ended with what they should have ended with – Stockholm arbitrage and the demand to make advance payments for gas. And this is a logical consequences of the approach to politics and economics that Putin’s Kremlin preaches. 
Continue reading

International Memorial Flashmob June 21, 11:00 GMT+3 and GMT-6 | Wreaths4Peace at Russian embassies worldwide. Join us!


On June 15, Ukrainians brought wreaths to the Russian embassy in Kyiv. On June 21 we will bring them to all the Russian embassies in the world


Contact: Alya Shandra, euromaidanprart@gmail.com, +380937536869

WHO: Euromaidanpr, DigitalMaidan, Russia Hands off Ukraine, Euromaidans and  Ukrainian communities in Vilnius, Warsaw, Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Brussels, The Hague, Kyiv (list here).

WHAT: Place funeral wreaths to honor Ukrainian heroes killed by Putin at Russian Embassies and consulates around the world. Follow our action on Twitter #StopPutinNow Continue reading

Donbas: divorce and maiden name? 

Olexandr Kochetkov, for UP

“Our situation is good. But not hopeless.”

Alexandr Novikov, “Dialogues in the elevator” 

One out of three terrorists in Donbas is taking photos with the MPADS. And only the “Hindenburg” dirigible is a better target than the huge and slow Il-76.

The author does not know the surname and military rank of the person who gave the order to deliver the military replacement to Luhansk airport by air. But in any army, except for ours, the case would have reached tribune.

The issue is not only the losses, which are unacceptable for the ATO. But also the blow landed to the military spirit and faith in the commanders, which our soldiers have experienced at the “eastern front.”  Continue reading